How introverts are energized

Today we get to enjoy the third slice of the PIES Approach – the E which stands for energy.  Introverts and extroverts differ on how we feel energized. Extroverts are energized through social interaction and contact with others. In fact brain research shows that they need more of a certain neurotransmitter – dopamine – in order to optimally function. Social interaction releases this transmitter in the brain. On the other hand, introverts are energized through ideas. I can have low energy and then immerse myself in some book or topic and two hours later I am rockin’ with energy. Woohoo! That is happening to me as I write! : )

Introverts, while we enjoy time with others, are more easily depleted (see discussion on stimulation – the fourth distinction – tomorrow).  There are endless examples of this in my own life.  I am at a gathering, or in a store or restaurant where there are a lot of people and stimuli and – out of the blue – I feel like I have to leave “right this minute”.  It’s as if every last bit of energy simply seeped out of me.  Introverts have to be mindful about managing our energy.  After a lot of interaction or stimulation we need quiet time to recharge. This can be challenging if you are in a professional position that requires a lot of meetings and social engagement (or if you are a parent of a very extroverted child : ). Planning short “time outs” in between meetings is one way to manage your energy.


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One Response to How introverts are energized

  1. Marie says:

    So true about energy. Reviewing this website and reading the blogs I am feeling the energy rise. But I know the feeling of I need to leave now as well!



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