Ideas are Better than Coffee – They Energize Us

A favorite time in my life was when I holed away in my apartment, not visiting friends, going out into the world or otherwise distracting myself from the goal of writing my master’s thesis proposal. I had more than 100 photocopied research articles in stacks on the floor each color-coded according to different themes with some articles having three or more colors on them. I was so energized by all the ideas and how they were coming together. Reading through the literature, seeing connections and missed connections, determining valid and weak arguments, finding the gaps, and searching for the missing puzzle piece – that would become the goal of my own research study.  I was invigorated and energized by the reading, thinking, deconstructing, writing, reconstructing, reflecting, creating, reading some more, connecting the dots. Woohoo!!!!!!!!! This was fun.  Introverts are energized by ideas.

As introverts we have to break from the cultural script to reclaim that which brings us energy, contentment and joy (like new ideas).  The extroverted oriented culture pushes us towards group activities, picnics, parties, and events as the definition of fun.  How many times are we encouraged either overtly or very subtly to do some group activity that just isn’t how we prefer to spend our precious time?  And how hard it can be to say no even for the most empowered introvert.  Yet it is essential to redefine and reclaim fun on our own terms.  Curl up with a good book, go for a hike in nature, meditate, cook, write, spend time with a best friend, listen to your music with the volume on high, sign up for a writer’s retreat, go for a run, sip coffee and read the paper . . . what is your version of fun?  Do fun today!

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One Response to Ideas are Better than Coffee – They Energize Us

  1. Marie says:

    Long walks on the beach either by myself or with a close friend is perfect for me to re-energize. As I am dealing with family health issues, I am walking every morning for at least an hour to clear my head and open my heart for the day. I also blog once a week about how my week went and explain the energy or issues.



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