Enjoying the rain

I am sitting in a favorite coffee shop with the window open wide as the rain comes down as determined and energetic as Niagara Falls.  It demands my attention.  So I give it.  And notice the hypnotizing sound of the numberless drops on the roof – reminding me of my daughter’s white noise fan that helps her fall asleep.  The grey day and pounding rain brings a sense of cosiness here in my dry seat – sharing the experience with a smattering of other coffee shop dwellers who either braved the weather to get here or like me were seeking refuge from it.  This is such a delicious way for me to spend time.  Reading, writing, simply being and noticing what is around me.  Being present and enjoying what is in the moment . . . in this case it is the rain.

This way of being in the world comes more naturally for introverts and yet we can get caught up in the extroverted tendency to do, do and do more.  Take a moment now to slow down, pause, notice.  What do you notice around you.  Be present and enjoy.

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One Response to Enjoying the rain

  1. Marie says:

    For the past month I have been staying with my dad and visiting my mom every day in a rehabilitation hospital as we wait for room in the Memory Care unit. I think I have learned more about being present and grateful for life than ever before. I retired four days before arriving at my parents home and I’m so glad that I have taken the time to help my dad while we struggle with what is coming. But what I also find is that I’m observing the staff, patients, families and learning so much. I know the names of those around me and each day brings a new experience (some good, some not so good), but I am grateful for each moment.

    The above was probably a lot more information than you wanted. I wrote the above from my heart and then thought I should delete it, no one would want to read your stuff, etc. But I decided to post it as perhaps someone else will appreciate it as well.



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