It’s Friday. Enjoy down time

Fridays I am tired.  After a week of all my family activity with a soon-to-be-5-year-old daughter (whose social life alone exhausts me : ), seeing clients, writing blogs, and everything else in my juicy life – I am pooped when Friday rolls around.  And I love to simply surrender to it.  So as I was laying down with my daughter for her Friday afternoon nap – I thought “blog or nap?” and guess what won?  NAP!  Yummy!  After about half an hour I woke up and enjoyed the precious presence of my sleeping daughter in my arms.  Paying attention to her delicate features, the beauty of her closed eyes and long lashes, the sturdy arch of her eye brows and the sweet curve of her nose.  How good it felt to slow things down to experience this moment and feel the gratitude.  And I still had time for the blog.  Enjoy your Friday friends!

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One Response to It’s Friday. Enjoy down time

  1. Marie says:

    Love it! Enjoy every napping opportunity with your daughter!



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