“Just a minute . . . I am thinking.”

So here is another classic relationship dynamic.  Extrovert is talking to introvert – proposing a new idea, presenting information, asking for something.  Introvert is taking it in – processing the information.  Extrovert waits a moment or two then is exasperated that introvert hasn’t responded.  S/he may feel dissed and says something to that effect.  Introvert is flummoxed (internally of course) because s/he is simply thinking and needs time to think.  Introvert now feels defensive or misunderstood.  Sound familiar?

How many times have I found myself in this dance? Here’s what I did to change it:

1) I educated my loved ones about the brain research that shows introverts take a longer pathway to process information so give us time (and let go of all the interpretations).

2) I now often say out loud “I hear you.  I am processing what you are saying.”

The old dynamic is broken.  Everyone is happy. Yay!

This entry was posted in Differences between introverts and extroverts, Introvert power, Introverts in relationship, Understanding what it means to be an introvert and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to “Just a minute . . . I am thinking.”

  1. Pingback: Fish out of water! Introverted mom in an extroverted family | Intelligent Introvert

  2. Marie says:

    Love it!



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