Networking part II: Create our own meetings

As introverts the best strategy for networking is to do it in a way that honors our style.  Instead of attending a lot of large networking events – create your own networking lunches, coffees and other one-on-one meetings.  This allows you to have  intimate conversation and connection that is energizing and rewarding for you. Plus you get to choose with whom you meet rather than relying on who shows up at a larger networking event.  It is your choice!  Who doesn’t love choice?

How to get started?

Make a list of people in your different communities (work, parenting, spiritual, sports, hobbies, etc) whom you would enjoy getting to know better and may benefit from professionally.  Make contact and arrange one meeting a week.  Enjoy!

Caution:  Many of us struggle with allowing ourselves to do what is the best fit for us – as we feel the pressure of an extroverted culture.  When you feel the pressure to attend these bigger meetings – relax and know that you are doing your networking already, one-on-one and intimately.  Your way.

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One Response to Networking part II: Create our own meetings

  1. Marie says:

    Great Idea. I did this for a bit a couple of years ago and really enjoyed these smaller settings. Thanks for the reminder to get these started again.



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