Characteristics of the Quiet Leader

Building on yesterday’s post about introverts as excellent leaders I wanted to highlight the work of Frances B. Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength.   She describes 5 key characteristics of introverted leaders which I’ve adapted slightly:

1. We think first and talk later. We consider what others have to say, then reflect and then respond;
2. We focus on depth not superficiality. We like to dig deeply into issues and ideas before considering new ones; We like meaningful rather than superficial conversations.

3. We exude calm. In times of crisis in particular, we project reassuring, unflappable confidence;
4. We prefer writing to talking. We are more comfortable with the written word, which helps us formulate the spoken word;
5. We embrace solitude. We are energized by spending time alone, and often suffer from people exhaustion. We need a time to retreat, from which we emerge with renewed energy and clarity.

Reading these characteristics it makes sense that introverts often make great leaders. If I imagine whom I would want be my side during a crisis the first 3 characteristics alone describe an ideal person.

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One Response to Characteristics of the Quiet Leader

  1. Marie says:

    Love it!



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