The vulnerability of putting myself out there


Dear friends – today I want to try that thing Brene Brown does so well – vulnerability (gulp!) – and share with you my turbulent inner journey these last few weeks.  Deep breath.  I can do this.

Blogging for the Intelligent Introvert has been delicious and surprising as readers share with me the ah-ha moments and shifts they experience!  Talking about the lessons with neighbors and friends has had the same response.  Many people experience the information about what it means to be an introvert as “life changing and life saving” as one woman put it.  And that sure was the case for me!

Hearing this feedback I realized it would be beneficial to offer something more than this blog for those who want to take a deeper dive into this content.  I decided on a teleclass format which is a new medium for me (I’ve only taught in-person classes). So I took a great course on how to build an effective and dynamic teleseminar.  I thoroughly followed the steps, reviewed the successful strategies my clients have used, designed a framework and wrote excellent content, and overcame a number of obstacles along the way.  Yet even after all that I kept dragging my feet on the final steps of getting the class out there.  And I dragged my feet some more.  I got tied up in knots because I couldn’t figure out technological details.  I was stuck, anxious and grumpy.  This reminds me of one of my favorite Jim Carey moments in the Grinch when his heart starts softening and he doesn’t recognize his own behavior then cries out completely befuddled “What’s the deal?!?!?!?!”

Yes Jeanine “what’s the deal?!?!”

When I first had the idea for the blog I had to overcome this voice in my head that urges me to play it safe and not bring attention to myself.  This is the same voice that is lurking in the shadows now.  Putting myself out there goes against every fiber of my being and so I hide instead.  I’ve done this before – and it is a professional liability.  Yet I am not alone.  This is a common tendency for introverts.  And it presents a challenge for those of us who are self-employed as well as others required to professionally “put ourselves out there.”

This post isn’t filled with a lot of answers.  No tidy package with a bow.  It’s more about an inquiry, which I am in the middle of.  This is what I’ve learned so far:

1) reach out.  This is a time when turning to those closest to you – those you are comfortable with and trust – makes all the difference.  Share your challenges with putting yourself out there and allow them to support you.

2) build a team.  Who has the skills you need to assist you?  Don’t hoe it alone.  Hire someone if needed.  Ask someone to partner with you.

3) take action to move forward.  We can’t think ourselves out of feeling stuck.  Taking small actions will.  Research a question, write one paragraph, draft one email.  These small actions will move you forward.  Action begets action.

How do you put yourself out there?  How do you navigate it?

This entry was posted in Introverts in business, introverts in life, Introverts in the work place and tagged , , , , , introverts and self-promotion, , vulnerability. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The vulnerability of putting myself out there

  1. Feel Good Fitness DC says:

    I recently had a light bulb go off and realized there is someone in my circle who wants to help me and LOVES sales. “I love going out and talking to people,” she said. So we’re cooking up a plan for her to go out and talk to people about my services.

    I shared this with a like-minded introvert colleague, and she named this tactic: “Hire-An-Extrovert.” lol


    • jeaninecogan says:

      Love this Susan! That is exactly the direction in which I am going. A few weeks ago it hit me “I need to partner with an extrovert on this.” So I am currently looking for one who is a good fit. : )



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