Introverts in the workplace: How to shift trends so introverts thrive


This week-end I was at a stunning wedding!  My niece was married in the midst of the Colorado mountains.  It was a fabulous and joyful day!  As is often the case with these celebrations I enjoyed juicy conversations with family and friends.  When I was sharing my excitement about the Intelligent Introvert with one woman – we’ll call her Michelle – she told me the obstacle she had as an introverted CEO was that people often misinterpreted her tendency to listen more than talk as her not knowing anything.  This is a common experience for introverts.  Yet the research on leadership shows that introverts often make the best leaders and listening is a key strength of our open and receptive leadership style.  To further explore some of the challenges for introverts in the workplace and ideas for change – check out this interview with Susan Cain.  Interview here.

If this is a topic that resonates with you sign up for my teleclass “What Every Introvert Needs to Know for Professional Success: How to Promote Success and Honor Your Style”

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