What is your biggest challenge in the workplace as an introvert?

Today is participatory!  If you feel too private to post your answers publicly – send me an email.  As I prepare for the teleseries I am offering starting next week – I’d love to hear from you.  What is your biggest challenge in the workplace as an introvert?  How do you navigate this challenge?  What strategies are effective for you?  What is something you wish someone had advised you that would have made a notable difference?  I want to hear!

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One Response to What is your biggest challenge in the workplace as an introvert?

  1. Kris Stevens says:

    My biggest challenge has been of my own creation… despite the fact that I am an introvert, I have highly developed extroverted qualities that belie the truth. As such, I am “on” when I am at work… highly participatory, leader, influencer… but this leaves very little “gas in the engine” at the end of each day. So, I have taken to doing a few things to conserve energy… take 5 minutes once a day (which I schedule) to listen to ocean waves crashing with my eyes closed, feet on the floor (“Deep Relax” is a great app that has all kinds of sounds). Further, a grounding exercise in the morning of deep breathing/ meditation helps too. And, most of all, being gentle and kind to myself when the gas tank is seemingly not enough to keep going and a recharge is in order!



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