Introverts – keep bringing on the ying!


Being your authentic introverted self is not only good for your mind, body and soul but it is good for others as well.

In this culture on steroids everything is happening at a faster and faster pace.  There is no time for reflection, stopping, or slowing things down. In this pace of chaos introverts play a critical role.  By claiming our quieter, slower and even-keeled nature everyone benefits.

We are behind the coffee shop movement and the explosion of retreat centers.  We are often the writers, musicians and artists who give our culture heart and soul.  You will find us quietly doing research, discovering cures, writing landmark decisions in legal cases.  We bring a grounded presence to more outgoing careers like training, teaching, and leadership.  We enjoy internal activities like walking in nature, meditating, reading, writing, and best of all . . . reflecting.  All of this brings more balance to ourselves, our work and the world at large.

Introverts – keep bringing on the ying in order to balance out the yang!

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