Quiet leadership has it’s place

I have a myth buster for you: Great business leaders do not need to be gregarious extroverts.  In fact, introverts can be effective influencers because of our strong listening skills and receptive leadership style.

In the workplace, recognition often goes to more verbose employees, yet there’s plenty of room to move up the ranks as an introvert. Just look at Larry Page, CEO of Google. He leads one of the most powerful tech companies of today, and embraces his strengths in strategic thinking rather than that of extroverted traits.

When you embrace your introverted tendencies and harness them as a tool for success, you can soar in business and in life.

That is what my client Maria experienced.  When she stopped negatively evaluating herself using extroverted standards as her yardstick and stepped into her own style she was promoted into a leadership position!

Like Maria – you can get to where you want to be in your career, achieving the goals you seek while staying true to yourself and your quiet nature.

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