Embrace your inner cook

dog-cookA coaching client recently told me a story.  When she was in college she was so envious of friends who would show up to class without preparation and wing it and always do well.  She tried to emulate this style and repeatedly fell short and evaluated herself accordingly.  In talking this through Sherry realized she was not honoring her introverted need for planning, thinking, reflecting, letting things cook.  She was measuring herself against the extroverted ideal of being able to talk off the top of her head.  This begged the question, “What happens if you be who you are rather than try to be someone you are not?”The short answer: Magic.  As described in the previous post.

Chewing on things is an introverted strength and a quality about myself I relish!  This is what it looks like for me.  I have an idea for something like a new blog post, training or teleclass.  I chew on it for days, maybe weeks.  Thinking through lots of ideas, writing scripts in my head as I run, writing down notes, looking at the topic from many angles.  By the time I sit down to actually write it out – it comes out with ease.  Because it had time to “cook”.  I may build on the plan more, tinker with it, play with it in my head.  When it is time to conduct the training or class – I am very prepared so that it often feels effortless.

There was a time before I had the lens of the Intelligent Introvert where I misinterpreted this as procrastination.  Now I so clearly see it as my style.  One that serves me well and is enjoyable.  So honor your strength of reflection.  Embrace your inner cook!

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