Empowered during the holidays


This week’s posts have playfully touched on the topic of overwhelm during chaos.  What feels like chaos for us may not feel that way to others!  My partner’s response was an example of how different introverts and extroverts may experience the exact same set of events.  During the holiday season with endless opportunities for chaos and overwhelm – remember that we have a different threshold for ideal stimulation.  At times, what an extrovert may enjoy an introvert may experience as too much (like a zillion presents unwrapped in a flurry with shreds of wrapping paper everywhere)!   No need to berate ourselves for this reaction.  Instead let’s honor the fact that we are simply trying to find that right balance of dopamine in the brain – we are wired to minimize stimulation and conserve our energy.  So work with your physiology (not against it). 

As you celebrate the holidays with lots of traditional events make sure to also create gatherings and activities that are an ideal fit for you.  A quiet night around the fireplace with a few favorite family or friends.  Walks on your own in-between the large family meals.  Time in the morning journaling or meditating.  Staying home while everyone else goes somewhere (how yummy to have that time to yourself – maybe you can steal away a half hour with your favorite book).

Give yourself PERMISSION to say no to the extroverted defined way of doing things.  This can be difficult because it feels like we are breaking the rules.  And to some extent we are.  Yet there is no one rule book to life.  We are rewriting the rules in a way that honors who we are as well.  And we can do this with self-respect and respect for others.  When we take care of ourselves both physically and emotionally – we are taking care of those who love us as well.  It is the oxygen mask analogy.  You are not being selfish taking a walk alone – you are putting on your own oxygen mask first.  You will be happier.  Everyone will be happier.  Happy?  Isn’t that what this season is all about?

This entry was posted in Differences between introverts and extroverts, Introvert overstimulated, introverts empowered!, introverts in life, What makes introverts happy and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , introverts bring balance, . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Empowered during the holidays

  1. Marie says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed this blog. Love the idea of the oxygen mask.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


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