Lightness of being as we strip away false notions

featherAs I was browsing through the few remaining items in a Takoma Park store Now and Then, which is closing it’s doors, my eyes landed on the title of a book “I will not die an unlived life: Reclaiming purpose and passion“ by Dawana Markova.  She wrote this book as a love letter to the reader supporting us in living a fully alive life.  The following paragraph jumped out at me:

“We all feel a tremendous push from the past and a compelling pull from the future to step fully into who we were meant to be.  We need courage and time to reorder our priorities and consider internal exploration as important as ‘our career’ and outward success.  We need to practice the art of stripping away false notions about who we think we are so we can deal with what is real, and release anything that is deadening to our spirits.  We have to learn to reconnect with ourselves so that we can stand for something that is greater than ourselves.”

These words of wisdom while good for anyone are essentially the goal of the Intelligent Introvert and this blog.  Let us declare 2015 as the year of being our authentic selves and let go of any remaining false notions.  And feel the lightness of being as we step fully into who we are meant to be.

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