The refuge of coffee shops

On Tuesday I flew to Colorado for an unplanned trip with family.  It has been healing and delicious for us all to be together. After a rowdy night of connection with a dozen family members I slip into my borrowed iceimage covered car and ask Siri “where is the nearest coffe shop?” She brings me to the Daily Grind. After ordering my Earl Grey tea I cosy in at a table right by the fireplace.  This refuge – so simple and so complete.

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2 Responses to The refuge of coffee shops

  1. Kori says:

    I need to do this more often because even though I feel like a borderline introvert (dependent upon my mood) the coffee shop is definitely the one place where you can just “be” with no other expectations.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  2. Marie says:

    Love this! I do the same thing frequently where I just need to be.

    LikeLiked by 1 person


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