“Let me get back to you” Responding strategically

squeeze-255A coaching client described how squeezed she felt; overwhelmed with work.  In the second year of building her business she was now high in demand (yipee!!) and this was still new for her.  So every time she received a call with a new speaking invitation she was so busy processing the surprise of “being wanted” – when she was pushed for an answer she’d say “ah-ok”.  Yet saying yes to everything was taking a toll on her.  She was stretched too thin and her family life was compromised.  This is a common experience for new business owners/entrepreneurs.  We are so thrilled to receive a positive response that we say yes to everything.  Over time however more discernment is required.  Not everyone is an ideal client, nor is every request a good business investment.  In unpacking this together I suggested that next time she gets a call she defer the decision and create reflection time.  Rather than say yes or no on the spot take time to think it through and thus honor our introverted style that requires processing time.  “Thank you for the invitation.  I will check my calendar and get back to you tomorrow.”

This strategy has saved me more than once.  With some quiet reflection time I am able to discern the best decision for me and my business.  In fact this deliberative approach towards decision making is one of the key assets of introverted leaders.  Give yourself permission to create space and decide when you are ready rather than right on the spot.  It will save you grey hair, time and money (all those sales reps I said yes to : )

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