Blog’s world wide reach! Let’s hear it for a global introvert uprising!

world and handsDear readers –

Today I was tooling around my stats page looking at a summary of 2014 and learned that the thousands of readers of the Intelligent Introvert blog came from 58 different countries!!!!!!!!!!!  From Jamaica to Libya and everything in between.  The top ten countries with the most readers:

  1. U.S.
  2. Brazil
  3. Canada
  4. Germany
  5. Netherlands
  6. Singapore
  7. Romania
  8. Italy
  9. Spain
  10. Australia

This blog is a forum for understanding introversion and ourselves more deeply.  This blog is also about stepping into our strengths and power as introverts.  Honoring who you are rather than believing you need to become more extroverted as was the tendency in previous decades (reminiscent of urging left handed folks to become right handed, women to act more like men, etc).  My posts empower you to claim who we are with dignity and from that place to create the life you want!  That is being an Intelligent Introvert.  How fabulous that this quiet yet powerful uprising is a global one!  Way to go introverts!!!!

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