The Quiet Leader: Step into the Power of your Introverted Style

leadership signpost showing vision values empowerment and encourIn 2000 three of us created a non-profit organization in which I played a central leadership role for 14 years.  My leadership style was grounded and focused.  While my clear ideas and opinions influenced the direction of the group I remained open and receptive.  My understated style was effective and beneficial in many ways.  Until it wasn’t.  Key stakeholders in the organization changed and the new ones were outspoken, assertive and charismatic.  My style bumped up against theirs.  Suddenly my value was no longer a given – it was questioned.  My rocky journey navigating this dynamic was brutal and life changing.  And informs the empowerment coaching I so enjoy with introverted leaders.

Turns out my experience is not uncommon.  Introverted professionals are far less likely to be promoted into leadership positions.  Research on ideal leadership traits reveals a bias towards extroverts, where extroverted traits and ideal leaders are synonymous.  Yet more recent research on effective leadership uncovered that introverts are often better leaders with certain groups.  Hmm . . .there is a disconnect between perception and reality.

What does this mean for introverts?  We are not being promoted!  We compare ourselves against the more out spoken, enthusiastic or dynamic leaders and come up short. Perhaps you find yourself unconsciously trying to be more like them.  Many of my introverted clients initially come into the coaching with a goal like “How can I speak up more in meetings?  How can I have more confidence?  How can I be more assertive?”

Translation: “How can I be more extroverted?”

Enough! You can be the best version of you without excuses or apology. A quieter form of leadership that includes listening, reflection, and taking your time to make important decisions is just as powerful. Navigate your leadership role authentically and effectively by being the introverted leader that you are.   If this is a juicy topic for you check out the “Quiet Leader, Introverted Power! Coaching Program” and learn my 3-step process for owning your introverted style with grace.

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