What to do when you fall on your face

Bicycle accidentThis past week-end I was in sunny California where I spent 10 hours a day for 3 days in a packed conference room with 600 people learning additional tools for mastery in my trade as a coach.  Of course as all good coaching programs do – we were also stretched and pushed to transform any internal limiting beliefs that are holding us back.  People were experiencing big shifts all week-end long.

Mine came on Sunday morning when I was finally able to get a run in.  It was a gorgeous sunny morning, with blue skies and warm weather.  I had signed up for additional training the night before. As I was running soaking up the perfect conditions, I was thinking about the financial investment required and the exciting potential that lie ahead.  I felt both nervous and excited!

I took a step from the sidewalk to the street and suddenly I am on the ground.  I landed on my left shoulder, right hand, and both knees.  SCRAPE!!!!!!!!!

My torn away skin is screaming.  OUCH!  I lay there shocked by the pain and by the fact that I am strewn across the hard pavement.

My first thought was “what does this mean?”  And I immediately went to this interpretation: “Whenever I have something exciting or good – something bad happens.  Who do I think I am going for something this big?!”

I felt like crying.

Then I was saved by the next thought.

“Jeanine, this doesn’t mean anything.  You fell.  Now get back up.”

So I did.

I got up, felt my sore knees, walked out the soreness, and then finished my 3 mile run.

When we fall down, either figuratively or literally, we can easily wrap a boat load of negative stories around falling.  Most people do this.  Introverts’ tendency to go inward only intensifies the experience.  Next time you fall down – spare yourself from the unnecessarily judgmental interpretations.  Instead – get up!

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