Say yes to less stimulation! Honor yourself and choose quiet environments

When we took our daughter to a Disney-like event on ice at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC our excitement was quickly dampened by the complete intensity of everything.  Theannounce volume was so ramped up it felt like the music and MC were screaming at us the entire show.  The lights were bright.  Ads and superfluous information were flashed on big screens changing every few seconds.  The activity on the ice was not just one scene but multiple ones side by side.  Which one should we look at?  The food was super-sized and super-priced.  At the half time we all looked at each other as if shell shocked and my 5 year old daughter said “I want to go home.”  We couldn’t grab our coats quickly enough!

What’s the deal?  Who says big and loud is fun?

I beg to differ.  Thank you.  As an introvert I prefer small, intimate, quiet (or at least quieter).  Ah, exhale.

Turns out this is not simply my random preference – research shows that introverts release higher levels of dopamine, in the brain than extroverts.  As a result we are easily overstimulated when we enter an environment with a lot of stimuli.  In other words we are physiologically drawn to quieter more mellow people and places.  Think lakes, beaches, offices with no or a few colleagues.


While the scenario I describe above is extreme where some extroverts are turned off as well – it captures our culture’s default belief that big, more, and faster are better.  As introverts let’s keep challenging that assumption.  Say yes to less!  Many of us are.  Bookstores and coffee shops are filled with introverts.

What do you enjoy doing where you feel in harmony with yourself?  Choose those activities.  Do one everyday.

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3 Responses to Say yes to less stimulation! Honor yourself and choose quiet environments

  1. Jeanne says:

    Reblogged this on Slowing The Pace.


  2. jeaninecogan says:

    Great to hear from you again Marie! Yes I now avoid things like parades for the same reason. Was going to the cherry blossom parade the other day and then thought “now why am I going here?” I changed my mind and Nicki and I went to a park and played instead. Much better!


  3. Marie says:

    Love this! I feel exactly the same way when the music is too loud, the lights are too bright or even when there are too many people. Depending on the situation when there is too much stimulation going on I want to leave and go be quiet for a while. I try to avoid large concerts now because I am not just enjoying them.

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