Lean on me! Learning from falling rocks

This week-end I went to Omega in Rhinebeck, NY to learn from a fabulous spiritual teacher, Pema Chodron.  There is so much to share with you!  Today I will focus on one point – what I learned from falling rocks.

I had spent a delicious hour meditating in the Sanctuary, which is a stunning room that is virtually sound proof offering an ideal context for sitting.  On my walk down this big round rock by the trickling water called me to build a Zen rock sculpture.  So I did.  How beautiful!


“Ooooh!  I have to show Karen!” I decided to take a picture to share with my dear friend Karen who also builds Zen sculptures.  As I looked through the viewfinder I noticed there were two other rocks right next to mine which were “in the way”.  So I decided to move them out of the way.  As I moved the rocks my Zen sculpture came tumbling down.

Turns out that those rocks were invisibly supporting the Zen sculpture.

How is this a metaphor for my life?

Given that introverts brains’ process the world through an inward focus our default is to figure things out ourselves, hoe it alone, depend on ourselves.  And this is one of our strong suits!  It allows us to be productive and self-determined.  

Yet my fiercely independent nature blinds me at times to all the support that I have or that is available to me.  Where are the invisible rocks supporting me?  How can I lean into those rocks rather than remove them?


How about you?

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