When to let go of doing it all by yourself

After writing the post Learning from Falling Rocks a friend shared how much it resonated with her.  We both reflected on how introverts often do not realize we could use support and how this plays out in our lives.

A few days later I left hred-phoneer a voice mail saying “I know you’ve got it together – yet I also know you are human and there may be something in your life you could use support around. I wanted you to know that I am here for you.”

She was blown away by someone offering her support out of the blue. No one had ever done that before and it felt so nourishing. Turns out there was something she had been grappling with for weeks or months that we talked about.  The 30-minute conversation offered fresh perspective and a shift.

Meanwhile I was silently wrestling myself.  I had to choose between going to a dear friend’s wedding or attending a once a year week retreat with my daughter.  I was trying to make it all work but the logistics weren’t coming together.  I spent hours, days, weeks thinking about it and trying to land on the best choice.

Then I thought – I will call my friend Meredith and hash it through with her.  She was awesome.  She gave me plenty of space and support to do the retreat and not worry about her.  Yes they wanted us there and yes it was okay to go on the retreat.

Funny thing happened after our conversation.

Flight prices and itineraries, rent-a-cars, getting to and from the retreat without missing days – and all the many details suddenly came together with ease.

I will be enjoying a fabulous wedding and then chilling in the NY mountains afterward!

What one conversation can do!!!!!

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