Category Archives: introverted children

No introverted child left behind!

Imagine this scenario.  A dozen kids are running around, playing and chasing, screaming and laughing.  A 7 year old boy is sitting in the grass engrossed in a book.  Mom goes over to him and says “Okay – honey that … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , parenting introverted children, | 1 Comment

Our introvered kids are coming up short!

Parents – Does this sound familiar? – A teacher provides feedback that your child is too quiet or soft spoken. – You notice that your child hangs back in groups of kids but talks your ear off at the dinner … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , , parenting introverted children, | 2 Comments

Supporting Introverted Children So They Thrive

As a parent of introverted children you can liberate them from the stifling and exhausting expectations of the extroverted world.  If you are like most people you don’t have a deep understanding of introversion.  As a consequence you may unwittingly … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , , , mom of introverted children, parenting introverted children, , | 1 Comment