
How to Flourish, the Introvert’s Way

I’d like to dispel a myth:  There is no one “rule book” of doing business or life.

Most of the rules out there are designed by extroverts, for extroverts.
Yet we introverts have other ways of doing business and life, in a style that’s true to ourselves. But it’s not always easy to honor our unique talents in a culture that uses extroverted standards.

Being your authentic introverted self holds so much value. More than you might even know. Embracing your introverted nature is not only good for your mind, body and soul – but it is good for the world.  It brings balance to an out-of-balanced world.

As an introvert you will flourish in your career and life by honoring your style.  The practice of acting more extroverted in order to fit in and succeed is an outdated model.  The time has come to embrace who you are with pride.  When you do so – good things follow.  Like promotions, contentment, increased confidence and dignity, to name a few.

One-on-one coaching may be for you, if you’re ready to…

  • Reclaim your strengths to embrace your worth and enliven your confidence
  • View your many strengths and how to capitalize on them for more contentment and success
  • Create introverted standards to set the bar for success, your way
  • Honor your pace to remain calm, clear-headed and content
  • Infuse your energy and learn how to keep it from draining

Yes Jeanine I would like to sign-up for one of your limited 3 free consultations this month to see if one-on-one coaching is for me:

Encountering introverts just like you who are tired of comparing, tired of feeling like the walker in a fast race, and tired of feeling misunderstood, I developed a niche working with introverts.

As a fellow introvert I understand where you’re coming from.  I listen to you.  I take a stand for you to be who you are with pride and dignity.  I also share with you my client proven and effective strategies for how you can honor your style and be happy and successful.

Tools you will learn translate into both business and in life, helping you feel more vibrant, more authentic, and more successful.

Now, are you ready to make that decision and take that step to your progress?

Join the ranks of my clients who have offered reviews like this:

“I no longer feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.  There is another way.  I can do it my way.  This has been so liberating.”

“Learning about being an introvert and what all that means has been life changing.”

For more information about coaching and how it works check out this link at my coaching website.

I accept checks, VISA and Master Card, and Paypal. 


One Response to Coaching

  1. Pingback: Will the real introvert please stand up? Being comfortable in your own introverted skin! | Intelligent Introvert

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