Quiet Leader

Are you tired of comparing yourself against the more out spoken, enthusiastic or dynamic leaders and coming up short? Do you find yourself unconsciously trying to be more like them?


Join me for one-on-one coaching and learn my 3-step process for owning your introverted style with confidence!

You can be the best version of you without excuses or apology. A quieter form of leadership that includes listening, reflection, and taking your time to make important https://experience.tripster.ru/experience/Minsk/sights/ decisions is just as powerful. Navigate your leadership role authentically and effectively by being the introverted leader that you are.

How?  Reframe, Reclaim, Retrain!

1) Reframe! What does it mean to be introverted in an extroverted world?

  • Internalized messages. Make explicit the messages you heard and the stories and beliefs you tell about yourself in relation to being introverted
  • Context. Let’s contextualize your experiences in the broader extroverted culture. Learn the key differences between introversion and extroversion.   Uncover the consequences of being a “silent” minority in a culture that favors extroversion.

2) Reclaim! Own your style! Step into your Power

  • Shift the paradigm. Redefine introversion as an asset – What is introvert intelligence and how does it benefit you and the world to own it?
  • Introvert strengths
  • Master strategies and new behaviors that honor your own style

3) Retrain!

  1. Self. Learn strategies to make your professional life more in alignment with your introverted style in a way that supports your professional success
  2. Others. Educate your colleagues, teammates, supervisors and others about how to honor introverts’ style, how to make the workplace more introvert friendly, and how to handle resistance to those who benefited from your old patterns.

To set up an initial consultation with Jeanine to see if you are a good candidate for her 3-step process for owning your introverted style with confidence complete the form below.  

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