Tag Archives: coping

Mondays bring me back home

In our house week-ends are a free for all.  The well orchestrated schedule of the week days are out the window.  And that’s partly what make week-ends so delicious.  We lounge in the mornings, do family activities together, hang out … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert overstimulated, introverts and parents, introverts in life, Quiet, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Step out of the limelight: Stop this is too much attention!

Last year I was working with a client who signed-up for a teleclass on how to honor your style as an introvert.  She was the only student on the call so I shifted out of lecture mode and into a … Continue reading

Posted in Differences between introverts and extroverts, introverts in life, Introverts in the classroom | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Beautiful poem by Rumi: The Guest House

An engaged participant from my Intelligent Introvert Facebook group offered me this poem yesterday in response to the posts about loss and grief.  It really resonated with me so I thought I’d share it more widely. The Guest House This … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Quiet | Tagged , , , , , , introverts bring balance, , loss | 1 Comment

More on loss and grief: Holding emotions without resistance or indulgence

Loss and grief are universal. We all experience them as part of the human condition. And when we do – it is not because we are being punished or singled out.  We experience loss and grief the same way we … Continue reading

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Empowered during the holidays

This week’s posts have playfully touched on the topic of overwhelm during chaos.  What feels like chaos for us may not feel that way to others!  My partner’s response was an example of how different introverts and extroverts may experience … Continue reading

Posted in Differences between introverts and extroverts, Introvert overstimulated, introverts empowered!, introverts in life, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , introverts bring balance, | 1 Comment

“Can someone please turn that music off,” yells the introverted mom (me)!

Last night felt like a perfectly orchestrated episode of the Odd Couple, with me as the odd one out.  My daughter Nicki and I were hanging out coloring a winter scene together. For me the scene was nostalgic as the … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert overstimulated, introverts and parents, introverts in life, Quiet, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Impulsive, speed shopping or just being an introvert?

I have a style of shopping often characterized as impulsive. I too interpreted my style that way for years.  Then I met another introvert with a similar style and started to re-evaluate this assessment. First let me say that we both “hate” to shop. … Continue reading

Posted in introverts empowered!, introverts in life, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment