Tag Archives: Intelligent Introvert

Nourish Yourself with a Day of Silence and Stillness

How would you enjoy a break from the boot camp, quick-do-it- now, approach towards life? Satisfy your desire for space and ease with a few hours of quiet stillness. Sound like a slice of heaven? If so then join me … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Quiet, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , introverts bring balance, | 1 Comment

How do I know if I’m an introvert?

This is one of the most common questions I get and now I have a good answer.  This Huffington Post article describes 23 Signs You’re Secretly an Introvert.  Of all the articles I’ve read on this topic – this one … Continue reading

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When to let go of doing it all by yourself

After writing the post Learning from Falling Rocks a friend shared how much it resonated with her.  We both reflected on how introverts often do not realize we could use support and how this plays out in our lives. A … Continue reading

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Need an Open Receptive Leader? 7 Qualities that Make Introverts Great Leaders

Francesca Gino from Harvard University and her colleagues are classic renegades as they  turned a long accepted belief on its head.  After decades of research showing that extroverted traits were considered synonymous with good leadership qualities, Gino poked a hole … Continue reading

Posted in Introverts as Leaders, Introverts in the work place, Quiet, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lean on me! Learning from falling rocks

This week-end I went to Omega in Rhinebeck, NY to learn from a fabulous spiritual teacher, Pema Chodron.  There is so much to share with you!  Today I will focus on one point – what I learned from falling rocks. I had … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

No introverted child left behind!

Imagine this scenario.  A dozen kids are running around, playing and chasing, screaming and laughing.  A 7 year old boy is sitting in the grass engrossed in a book.  Mom goes over to him and says “Okay – honey that … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , parenting introverted children, | 1 Comment

The Scurry Dance: Learning from Loving and Losing a Kitten

My youngest of three cats is a stunningly gorgeous calico who looked like an eternal kitten. When I went to the SPCA to bring a new feline home my friend Kevin came with me.  The only two preferences I had … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Introverts in relationship, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , introverts and feelings, introverts overlooked | 4 Comments