Introverts in relationship: When people want more from us

On September 2nd I wrote When the Dance Steps Collide where I describe a common experience for introverts when in relationship with others where we tend to feel stretched and pulled beyond what is comfortable:

. . . With each of the three female friends – they wanted more than I was able to give.  They ended up frustrated with me that I wasn’t more available, more engaged, more self-disclosing, more  ____ (fill in the blank).  Turns out – this is typical for introverts in relationship!  People want more from us.  

After talking with clients and friends it is clear that this is a dynamic many introverts are navigating daily often leaving them feeling drained, frustrated and guilty.  Continue reading

You are an introvert?! No way!

How many of you get this response?  I certainly do and it creates a tangle of reactions in me.  On one hand I feel like an impersonator – that I’ve been misrepresenting myself to the world.  As one friend recently revealed to me “I have been faking it . . . and,” she added, “it is so painful.”  So that is another reaction.  The raw ache of being required by an extrovert-worshiping culture to act inauthentically in order to fit in, be successful, be liked, be heard and seen.  Of course many of us were faking it – that was an adaptive coping mechanism.   Continue reading