Saying no can save your career

Dear fellow Intelligent Introverts – looking at this article I wrote for the Washington Post in 2010 I thought it would be great to share with this group. So here you are. Enjoy! 

Saying no can save your career

In 2004, my friend Mavis and I were sitting in a local cafe and I was talking about a new job my boss had offered me. The project I had been working on was complete and I planned on starting my own coaching business.  Mavis was listening as I described with dread what it meant for me to take this job. It would rob me of the independence I so longed for, kill my enthusiasm and lust for learning, sap my time and energy, keep me from my dreams … Mavis interrupted my litany with a simple statement that stopped me in my tracks.

“You know Jeanine, you can say no.”   Read more