Tag Archives: understanding introverts

Supporting Introverted Children So They Thrive

As a parent of introverted children you can liberate them from the stifling and exhausting expectations of the extroverted world.  If you are like most people you don’t have a deep understanding of introversion.  As a consequence you may unwittingly … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , , , mom of introverted children, parenting introverted children, , | 1 Comment

“You WHAT?!?!?!” The shadow side of our inner focus

Introverts are internally focused.  We process our lives and world internally.  And we do that well!  Thinking things through, analyzing every move we make, rehearsing in our head what we may say to someone, uncovering every nook and cranny of … Continue reading

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