Am I an introvert or extrovert?

How do you know? One of my favorite summaries of the distinctions between introverts and extroverts comes from Nancy Ancowitz in her book Self-Promotion for Introverts.  See the following distinctions (from page 2) where the first description describes introverts and the second describes extroverts.

Introverts                                                   Extroverts

Get energy from down time, Get energy from people contact

Think before speaking or action, Think out loud

Listen more, Talk more

Speak more softly, Speak faster and louder

More inclined to make deep conversation, More inclined to make chitchat

Prefer to speak with one or two people at a time, Prefer to work the room

Wait to be approached in social situations, Initiate conversations in social situations

Are typically reserved, Are typically active and expressive

Enjoy working alone or with one person, Enjoy working in a group

Know a lot about a few topics, Know a little about a lot of topics

Are reflective and appear more calm, Are more energetic

Are more detail oriented, Prefer faster and less complicated tasks

Need more personal space, Enjoy more people contact – the more the merrier

Are more private and hesitant about self-disclosure, Are more readily open

Have a few deep interests, Have many interests

Which list of attributes describes you more than 50% of the time?



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2 Responses to Am I an introvert or extrovert?

  1. Robbin Phelps says:

    While I know I am solidly in the introvert camp, it was interesting to see in which areas I have some affinity for the extrovert way. I think the introvert-extrovert question is not binary, but, rather, a spectrum, and, today, I was fed by acknowledging some extrovert endencies, as well. Feels like following this blog is helping me celebrate my introvert qualities enough that I can also note when, for instance, I get some energy by contact with others, albeit neighbors I know pretty well. That said, as I read over the list again, it’s pretty clear that my home base is introversion. Aahhhhh – that feels so right. Just add in a little of the other for spice.


  2. Marie says:

    Thank you for providing this distinction. I found so much of myself.

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