Want to be Feel Good and Be More Productive? Then Take a Sabbatical

Dear Intelligent Introverts,

It’s been a few weeks since I posted anything. Like a bear I needed to pull inward and hibernate for a while. There was a strong urge in me to push through this feeling and write a blog anyway. But that was pushing against what was real for me and it just wasn’t coming together. So I honored the need for pulling inward and took a two-week sabbatical. It was the right decision as now I am coming back to writing with new ideas and renewed energy.

When I was growing up in Germany there was something called the Kur, a place prescribed by a doctor for you to retreat from everyday life in order to rejuvenate and nourish your mental and physical health. People went to the Kur in wholesome towns in stunning places like the Black Forrest. Each person received their individual dietary, exercise, massage and health plan for the 2-4 week period based on their mental and physical health. Did I mention that insurance paid for it?! My mom used to go every year for a number of years and she came home a new person each time. Unplugging from her all consuming career for those weeks, eating well, exercising every day, and experiencing the literal and figurative space – was the best thing the doctor ordered.

Can you imagine? I love this cultural value! So not living in Germany I did the next best thing – I created my own retreat in the New York mountains at a gorgeous place called Blue Cliff Monastery.


Did you feel a twinge of longing reading this?  If so then chances are you need a sabbatical.  Honor this need and create one for yourself. It is as important as finishing a deadline. Research shows that taking breaks from work optimizes our performance and productivity. It doesn’t have to be for 2 weeks or even one. It can be an afternoon, or an hour.  Do it.  Schedule it on your calendar now.

You CAN do it!  And you will be happier!

For those who want to join me for a 4-hour sabbatical that I will facilitate on July 23rd sign-up here. It will be just what you need. Guaranteed!

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2 Responses to Want to be Feel Good and Be More Productive? Then Take a Sabbatical

  1. Eva says:

    Sounds amazing! I rarely take a day off. I recently took a two+ week trip and while it was pretty busy and full, simply being somewhere else and taking time away from usual responsibilities made me feel like a new person.


  2. Tina Slater says:

    Wonderful idea. The Germans are so smart (and it’s covered by insurance — how ultimately “sane”!). The photos are lovely.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

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