Impulsive, speed shopping or just being an introvert?

I have a style of shopping often characterized as impulsive. I too interpreted my style that way for years.  Then I met another introvert with a similar style and started to re-evaluate this assessment. First let me say that we both “hate” to shop.  We regularly experience what I’ve coined the “Costco response” – walk in, bombarded by all the choices and stimulation, overwhelmed, walk out.

So here is how our shopping typically goes.  We think about what we want or need for awhile; as was the topic of my previous post we chew on things.  Then when the time is right to purchase what we want we do it and do it quickly.

For example.  Winter arrived.  I started to think about warm fuzzy boots.  After two weeks of continuously cold feet I walked into a discount shoe store on a day when my feet were frozen.  They had one pair of warm fuzzy boots in my size.  I tried them on.  They fit.  I bought them.  Quick, easy, no over-stimulation.

In this example I managed the options by going into a store that only had one pair of fuzzy boots.  The quickly part is a way of defending against the Costco response.  Too much stimuli, like bright lights, loud music and a thousand pairs of shoes, easily overwhelm introverts.  We are physiologically wired to protect against over-stimulation.  Given this – I’d say that my buying style is a positive coping mechanism.  Maybe even smart!  And I have warm feet!

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One Response to Impulsive, speed shopping or just being an introvert?

  1. jeaninecogan says:

    Online shopping is also an excellent choice! : )



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