Will the real introvert please stand up? Being comfortable in your own introverted skin!

happy pensive

Introverts can be reserved and aloof.

We can be warm and demonstrative.

Introverts can be funny, social and playful.

We can also be serious and pensive.

You cannot determine who is an introvert based on particular traits.  While we do have physiologically based tendencies that need to be understood, introversion is only ocat head buttne aspect of our temperament.  This means that we come in all colors, sizes, shapes and flavors.  Plus no one is uni-dimensional.   All people’s behavior is influenced by the situation.  Are we at work, at home, with friends, our boss, colleagues, our kids?  Is it sunny or rainy out? Are we healthy or bed bound with the flu? Did we get a good night’s sleep or did the cat head butt us in the middle of the night again?

While we certainly can choose how to respond to our outer circumstances (which is the main point of spirituality) we are also influenced by them and so we behave differently across circumstances.  We are juicy multidimensional beings.  That’s what makes life so delicious.  Given this fact – there is no one introverted way of being.

Some of us who don’t fit the stereotype of an aloof, serious book worm may find it more challenging to realize we belong to this tribe and what it means.  Thus we have this continued sense of not quite fitting in and have no idea why.  This was true for me and a number of introverts who have “come out” as a result of our conversations.  One said to me “I’ve been faking it all my life and never realized it.”  She then talked about how painful it was to live so in-authentically.  The good news is that she is now comfortable in her introverted skin.  Woohoo!

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.”Ellen DeGeneres Ellen DeGeneres

And that’s what this Intelligent Introvert blog and my introvert advocacy coaching is all about.  To raise consciousness and encourage you to live in a way that supports and celebrates who you are.  I now have a few openings in my coaching schedule if you would like support being comfortable in your own introverted skin.  Contact me to set up an initial consultation to determine if we are a good fit (i.e., I fit your characteristics for an ideal coach and you fit my characteristics for an ideal client).  In the meantime keep making decisions and choices that honor who you are and enjoy being comfortable in your introverted skin!  Share examples here as  I would love to hear some!

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