Less is more: The key to a Zen-like environment is discarding!

While traveling in Colorado this January I picked up the NY Times best seller “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo.  On the plane ride home I cracked it open and was immediately hooked. On page 1 it says in bold “Start by discarding.  Then organize your space, thoroughly, completely, in one go.”  Yup you read that right.  “In one go.”  Forget the advice of tidying 15 minutes a day.  With that approach you never get the reinforcement and satisfaction of seeing dozens of bags filled with stuff removed from your space.  This approach to organizing had me spell bound.  Rather than buying new containers, and arranging a million items just so – to fit in these cool containers – you need to start with discarding.  Letting go of things.  Having less.

Exhale.  Simply reading her words brought me peace.  I am someone who actually feels physically stressed in a cluttered environment (my mom and sister will faint reading this as tidy was not my strong suit growing up).  Of course it isn’t some intense get-me-out-of-here kind of stress.  Instead it is more of a low grade barely noticeable drain on my energy.  Remember past posts about introverts being easily overstimulated due to higher levels of dopamine released in the brain?  Well imagine an environment filled with lots of stuff.  Nick knacks on shelves, papers piled on tables and desks, toys in various corners, a jacket laying here, a pair of shoes there . . . what do you feel?  Before you know it there is a sense of overwhelm or agitation.  That has certainly been the case for me.

Now imagine the opposite.  A Zen-like space with minimal stuff.  Ah . . .

I started with clothes as Marie outlines.  Take all the clothes you own and pile them on the floor by category.

Here I am with my mountain of clothes!


photo-20Then Marie instructs us to pick each item up – one at a time and touch it.  While you do this ask yourself one question and one question only “does this bring me joy?”  Now in the present moment.  Not did it bring me joy in the past or will it bring me joy in the future.  Does this bring me joy right now as I hold it?  If yes then put it in the keep pile.  If no then it belongs in the discard pile.

Simple as that.  I had to resist all the other thoughts that crept into my mind. “My mom gave me this.  Will this come back in style? What if I finally do need a formal gown?”  All these thoughts become criteria that keep us buried under stuff that we don’t even remember we have and hardly use.  Whether we realize it or not – that drains us!

And here is the best part – the payoff!  I took 6 enormous garbage bags of clothes and 4 bags of shoes to the local good will.    The bedroom feels lighter.  I feel lighter!


Now when I open my drawer to get dressed in the morning I smile.  All that I have left are clothes I enjoy wearing.  WOW!  No we’re talking!


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One Response to Less is more: The key to a Zen-like environment is discarding!

  1. Pingback: Less is more: Thriving in a Zen like environment | Slowing The Pace

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