Category Archives: introverts in life

The Scurry Dance: Learning from Loving and Losing a Kitten

My youngest of three cats is a stunningly gorgeous calico who looked like an eternal kitten. When I went to the SPCA to bring a new feline home my friend Kevin came with me.  The only two preferences I had … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Introverts in relationship, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , introverts and feelings, introverts overlooked | 4 Comments

The Drill Sergeant vs. the Strong, Silent Type: Which Coach Is More Effective?

Check out this new research that достопримечательности Кисловодска underscores the value of the “silent type”.  Turns out that words of encouragement offered by coaches did not inspire people to perform better during a workout.  In fact research by Professor Irwin suggests that … Continue reading

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Square peg and proud! Who needs fixing if you aren’t broken?

A few years ago I was working with an introverted coaching client who came to our first session with a list of a dozen goals and they all had an underlying flavor of “I’m not measuring up!”  Working together I … Continue reading

Posted in introverts empowered!, Introverts in business, introverts in life, Introverts in the work place, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

“You WHAT?!?!?!” The shadow side of our inner focus

Introverts are internally focused.  We process our lives and world internally.  And we do that well!  Thinking things through, analyzing every move we make, rehearsing in our head what we may say to someone, uncovering every nook and cranny of … Continue reading

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Follow your own GPS: Step to the music you hear

At a silent meditation retreat one day someone’s phone broke the silence announcing “navigation failure”.  I laughed.  This captured my daily experience. As introverts we are challenged by the culture’s default navigation system that goes a hundred miles an hour … Continue reading

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At the core

Growing up as a kid I was always slightly aghast when my mom would eat the whole apple – core and all!  She seemed to relish in the act.  Proud that she didn’t discard any of the precious fruit – … Continue reading

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Say yes to less stimulation! Honor yourself and choose quiet environments

When we took our daughter to a Disney-like event on ice at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC our excitement was quickly dampened by the complete intensity of everything.  The volume was so ramped up it felt like the music … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert overstimulated, introverts in life, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments