Category Archives: Understanding what it means to be an introvert

Square peg and proud! Who needs fixing if you aren’t broken?

A few years ago I was working with an introverted coaching client who came to our first session with a list of a dozen goals and they all had an underlying flavor of “I’m not measuring up!”  Working together I … Continue reading

Posted in introverts empowered!, Introverts in business, introverts in life, Introverts in the work place, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Join me in appreciating the strong steady influence of my favorite introvert

This is a picture of Dad and me (of course a much younger me)!  We are sitting on a bench in San Francisco enjoying the gorgeous surroundings of the wharf and people watching.  This was our favorite past time.  Watching … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , introverts and feelings | 4 Comments

Hey – I am over here! Introverts feeling overlooked

I had a big shift this week working with a kinesiologist Kathy Carroll who is a master at mind-body healing akin to therapy where the focus is on transforming emotional baggage through the body.  In our work together we release … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Introverts in relationship, Introverts in the work place, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Will the real introvert please stand up? Being comfortable in your own introverted skin!

Introverts can be reserved and aloof. We can be warm and demonstrative. Introverts can be funny, social and playful. We can also be serious and pensive. You cannot determine who is an introvert based on particular traits.  While we do … Continue reading

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Impulsive, speed shopping or just being an introvert?

I have a style of shopping often characterized as impulsive. I too interpreted my style that way for years.  Then I met another introvert with a similar style and started to re-evaluate this assessment. First let me say that we both “hate” to shop. … Continue reading

Posted in introverts empowered!, introverts in life, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Magic happens when we honor our style

Sherry, a coaching client, celebrated with me a recent success where she planned an activity for a group in a way that honored her introverted style. First she respected her need for reflection and planning by preparing in advance. She … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert power, introverts empowered!, introverts in life, Introverts in the work place, Understanding what it means to be an introvert, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cleaning closet triggers the Costco response!

In the first year of our relationship my partner and I worked together to clear out the closet underneath the basement stairs.  Colleen reached into the closet and pulled out every last box, random tool, and miscellaneous item.  Now that … Continue reading

Posted in Differences between introverts and extroverts, introverts empowered!, introverts in life, Introverts in relationship, Introverts in the work place, Understanding what it means to be an introvert | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments