Tag Archives: how introverts are energized

Want to be Feel Good and Be More Productive? Then Take a Sabbatical

Dear Intelligent Introverts, It’s been a few weeks since I posted туры в Карелии летом anything. Like a bear I needed to pull inward and hibernate for a while. There was a strong urge in me to push through this feeling and write a … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert overstimulated, introverts in life, Introverts in the work place | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Nourish Yourself with a Day of Silence and Stillness

How would you enjoy a break from the boot camp, quick-do-it- now, approach towards life? Satisfy your desire for space and ease with a few hours of quiet stillness. Sound like a slice of heaven? If so then join me … Continue reading

Posted in introverts in life, Quiet, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , introverts bring balance, | 1 Comment

Supporting Introverted Children So They Thrive

As a parent of introverted children you can liberate them from the stifling and exhausting expectations of the extroverted world.  If you are like most people you don’t have a deep understanding of introversion.  As a consequence you may unwittingly … Continue reading

Posted in introverted children, introverts and parents | Tagged , , , , , , , , mom of introverted children, parenting introverted children, , | 1 Comment

Follow your own GPS: Step to the music you hear

At a silent meditation retreat one day someone’s phone broke the silence announcing “navigation failure”.  I laughed.  This captured my daily experience. As introverts we are challenged by the culture’s default navigation system that goes a hundred miles an hour … Continue reading

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Free lunch time call Thursday, April 16 at noon: 3 Ways to Save Your Sanity as an Introverted Mom or Dad!

After a week-end of lots of connection with family I was so anticipating my precious alone time at work on a Monday morning.  While in the shower my daughter comes bounding in  “Mom there is no school today!” “No school?  … Continue reading

Posted in introverts and parents, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blog’s world wide reach! Let’s hear it for a global introvert uprising!

Dear readers – Today I was tooling around my stats page looking at a summary of 2014 and learned that the thousands of readers of the Intelligent Introvert blog came from 58 different countries!!!!!!!!!!!  From Jamaica to Libya and everything … Continue reading

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Mondays bring me back home

In our house week-ends are a free for all.  The well orchestrated schedule of the week days are out the window.  And that’s partly what make week-ends so delicious.  We lounge in the mornings, do family activities together, hang out … Continue reading

Posted in Introvert overstimulated, introverts and parents, introverts in life, Quiet, What makes introverts happy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment